Rebel Fire BBQ at Schmidt Golf Course for Cancer Benefit

Schmidt Golf Course 70895 260th Avenue, Lake City, MN, United States

Our Rebel Fire barbecue food truck will be serving food as part of the Golf Cancer Benefit for John Fuchs at the beautiful Schmidt Golf Course. Please join us and help raise much needed money!


Private Event; Truck Reserved

Truck reserved for a private event this day, not available. Call 651-380-6350 to inquire about reserving our food truck for your private event!

Lake City Market by the Lake

Ohuta Beach Park 219 Park Street, Lake City, MN, United States

Thursdays Farmers Market June through Labor Day at Ohuta Beach in Lake City, Minnesota.

Lake City Market by the Lake

Ohuta Beach Park 219 Park Street, Lake City, MN, United States

Thursdays Farmers Market June through Labor Day at Ohuta Beach in Lake City, Minnesota.

New Yellow Belly Mustard Sauce KICK-OFF PARTY

Lake City Fresh Market 310 S Lakeshore Dr, Lake City, MN, United States

Come sample our new bottled sauces for sale at Fresh Market. Kickoff party starts at 3pm. Prizes for those wearing Rebel Fire or Lake City Tigers gear!

Award Winning Rebel Fire BBQ at Johnny Appleseed Days

Patton Park Patton Park, Lake City, MN 55041, Lake City, MN, United States

Join us at Lake City's annual Apple Harvest Celebration. Barbecue is the perfect meal for fall and goes great with apples! Find our Food Truck at Patton Park.

Award-winning BBQ at Johnny Appleseed Days

Patton Park Patton Park, Lake City, MN 55041, Lake City, MN, United States

Join us at Lake City's annual Apple Harvest Celebration. Barbecue is the perfect meal for fall and goes great with apples! Find our Food Truck at Patton Park.

Private Event; Truck Reserved

Truck reserved for a private event this day, not available. Call 651-380-6350 to inquire about reserving our food truck for your private event!